Diana , 37
         Hi there, Diana , 37 years old. I'm coming from Berlin. I am here looking for Something promising,Something fun and casual,Something surprising,Something nice and easy. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

By Diana from Germany

Profile Info
My Personal Information
  • Member ID: L2851341
  • Date of birth: 1987-04-19
  • Height: 169cm
  • Location: Berlin, Berlin, Germany
  • Name: Diana
  • Astrology: Aries
  • Weight: 70kg
My Signature
Many strive for the ideal, look for a profitable marriage, financial stability, set a high bar.. I prefer to live now and for today! Enjoy every day, every ray of sunshine, every rainy day and just smile at people. I am a kind, sweet and very attractive person. I did gymnastics as a child))
Self Introduction
I'm a doctor. I'm not ashamed to say that. I'm even proud of that. After all, this was the purpose of my life. I have no desire for others to treat me with reverence, I am not interested in who and how to treat me personally, but I am offended by the heat around the topic of doctors in our country. I am offended that it has become fashionable to abuse the government through the humiliation of one of the most noble professions (which does not detract from the merits of any other profession).

Diana , 37

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