Yulia , 19
         Hi there, Yulia , 19 years old. I'm coming from Kostanay. I am here looking for Something nice and easy,Something promising,Something fun and casual. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

By Yulia from Kazakhstan

Profile Info
My Personal Information
  • Member ID: L2255122
  • Date of birth: 2004-10-09
  • Height: 167cm
  • Location: Kostanay, Kostanay, Kazakhstan
  • Name: Yulia
  • Astrology: Libra
  • Weight: 50kg
My Signature
As we embark on this journey together, I'm left wondering about the missing pieces of the puzzle that has yet to take shape. Will you be the one whose presence feels like the answer to the unspoken questions lingering in the corridors of my longing?
Self Introduction
I have a lot of creativity in me. Other people who interact with me have also begun to notice this. I can turn an ordinary day into something rainbow. To keep my imagination in play, I talk a lot with people who inspire me. I consider myself a romantic girl who likes to smile and enjoy every moment of life. In my free time, I do charity work. With my team, we go to orphanages, give presents, and bring food, toys, and necessary products. I love outdoor activities, traveling, cooking, and massage. I am always working on developing my personality, and my inner world. I love wildflowers. At home, I try to take care of them, because usually my schedule is crazy. I love fish and recently bought new ones for my aquarium. I can describe myself a lot here as the best girl on earth. But if you do not have a spark in your heart, you do not need that description.

Yulia , 19

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