Nagiza , 24
         Hi there, Nagiza , 24 years old. I'm coming from Kostanay. I am here looking for Something fun and casual,Something nice and easy,Something promising. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

By Nagiza from Kazakhstan

Profile Info
My Personal Information
  • Member ID: L1394826
  • Date of birth: 2000-09-10
  • Height: 164cm
  • Location: Kostanay, Kostanay, Kazakhstan
  • Name: Nagiza
  • Astrology: Virgo
  • Weight: 45kg
My Signature
In the tapestry of companionship, I seek a partner with whom I can share laughter, build trust through open communication, and explore the depths of connection. I need a man who values authenticity and cherishes the balance of vulnerability and strength.
Self Introduction
Our personalities can be different from how we imagine them. I am a person with a vivid imagination, creative, and open-minded. I believe that everything we do should be sincere, we should believe in what we do and what we want. What is the point of pretending if you do not express yourself? I do not pretend to be someone else, I am being me and I give you a very good opportunity to get to know me much better by yourself. It is not possible to be sure if there is a pearl without opening the shell. I am always honest with people, I believe that let it be bitter but true. I am very positive and with a sense of humor. I cannot imagine my life without dancing and drawing! I especially like ballet. They say drawing is silence for the mind and music for the eye. I absolutely agree with this. I am also very interested in the psychology of relationships between people and try to learn it.

Nagiza , 24

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