Alina , 26
         Hi there, Alina , 26 years old. I'm coming from Moscow. I am here looking for Something fun and casual,Something surprising,Something promising,Something nice and easy,Something fun and casual. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

By Alina from Russian

Profile Info
My Personal Information
  • Member ID: L2357842
  • Date of birth: 1997-12-24
  • Height: 175cm
  • Location: Moscow, Moscow region, Russian
  • Name: Alina
  • Astrology: Capricorn
  • Weight: 55kg
My Signature
Age does not matter, the main thing for me is intelligence and kindness in a man.
Self Introduction
I tried not to be banal why telling you about me. So all that I can say about my personality is that I am like good alcohol ( you as a man have to understand what I am talking about). Someone can drink vodka or beer (yes it's funny, cheap, and accessible ), but I am like a XO Whiskey - for the man who is looking not for fun but for long-term pleasure.

Alina , 26

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