Anfisa , 26
         Hi there, Anfisa , 26 years old. I'm coming from Moscow. I am here looking for Something fun and casual,Something fun and casual,Something nice and easy,Something surprising,Something promising. For more information, please check my profile below. If you think I am the one sharing the same ideas as you do, feel free to let me know.

By Anfisa from Russian

Profile Info
My Personal Information
  • Member ID: L1206275
  • Date of birth: 1998-12-21
  • Height: 160cm
  • Location: Moscow, Moscow region, Russian
  • Name: Anfisa
  • Astrology: Sagittarius
  • Weight: 60kg
My Signature
I love men who are always acting , who not thinking for long time . For man important to act , some men love to speak a lot and not act at all
Self Introduction
The experience itself is already an experience, so I do not hesitate to open new closed doors and let new people into my life, because if we are afraid we can remain unhappy, which is why I easily leave my comfort zone, you are the same person, or you try to be in your own comfort zone? Can we break one rule and try our luck? Your answer = our date tomorrow!

Anfisa , 26

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