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Hawaii, the Symbol of Romance

International Dating Tips · Dec. 8, 2020

Hawaii, the Symbol of Romance


There are two aliases for Romance, one called French and the other Hawaii. Hawaii is full of hazy beauty composed entirely of a kind of material called dream, which constitutes a beach, a lover, a sunset, a moonlight, a strelitzia reginae, a Hawaiian girl wearing a wreath, and a greeting word Aloha to the world.


Hawaii, the Symbol of Romance


The Hawaiian Islands evolves from a volcanic movement on the sea floor that was not very long ago. The lava at the volcano pass piled up after condensation by cooling down until it rises from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean to the surface of the sea. It was originally discovered by Polynesians, and the name "Hawaiian" came from their mouth, meaning "primitive home".


Hawaii, the Symbol of Romance


The Hawaiian Islands are made up of 8 volcanic islands, namely the Big Island of Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, Kauai, Nihao, Molokai, Lanai, and Kaho Olave. The volcanos on these islands are active now and then.


Hawaii, the Symbol of Romance


There are about 6,000 people on Molokai Island. Due to their simple hospitality, the island is praised as the "friendly island". This is also the birthplace of hula dance. And there are not a few places on the island that have not yet been developed, suitable for those who like adventures in primitive places.


Hawaii, the Symbol of Romance


Hanauma Bay is located on the southeast side of Maui. It has many coral reefs and fishes. It is a nature reserve and the best diving place. The mountain of the whole bay looks like a curled lizards.


Hawaii, the Symbol of Romance


The beauty of tropical plants is scattered randomly on the beaches of Hawaii. The broad leaves of the palm trees form a thick shade like umbrellas. Coconut trees with green fruit in the leaf armpits have unusually erect tree trunks, growing by twos and threes on each beach infiltrated by sea water. If you catch up with the date of blooms of phoenix and acacia, you will definitely be impressed by the beauty on the Hawaiian islands.


Hawaii, the Symbol of Romance


In Hawaii, there is a kind of flower that can be called the queen of flowers. How amazing it is, people thought with admiration that this flower should only exist in heaven, and named it "paradise flower"(strelitzia reginae).


Hawaii, the Symbol of Romance


Hawaii is such an American-style paradise. This image has gradually spread from the United States to the rest of the world, and people increasingly agree that there is no place for Hawaiian romance to compete with. It's full of lovers from all over the place. Maybe their trips are different from their stories, but the theme is the same. It's both about love and romance.


After seeing those beautiful spots in Hawaii. Not sure if you want to plan a trip there with your lovely girl? On Whispark, there are many single women, they will be glad to enjoy the trip with you. 


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