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Three Places Recommended to Visit in Kiev, Ukraine

International Dating Tips · Oct. 26, 2020

Kiev is the capital and manufacturing center of Ukraine. Whether you are looking for romance and history, or just want a unique place to go for a visit, you can easily find it in this city.


Kiev has a population of 3 million, but in most communities it retains the atmosphere of a small town. Cross the street and visit small shops, restaurants, museums and landmarks. Here are 3 best places to visit for you to find.


1. Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia is one of Ukraine's Seventh UNESCO World Heritage Sites and was granted important status in the 1980s. It was built in 1037 and is named after Hagia Sophia. As it is a tourist favorite spot, it is recommended that you should visit earlier in the day.


It is one of the oldest and most jaw-dropping churches in Kiev's impressive churches. The interior is decorated with beautiful frescoes, ancient mosaics and murals. And you can admire the beautiful views from the bell tower.

Three places recommended to visit in Kiev, UkraineThree places recommended to visit in Kiev, Ukraine

2. St Andrew's Church

Another important landmark of Kiev is Podil, one of the oldest neighborhoods in the city. It was built by Bartolomeo Rastrelli, Russian architect of the Catherine era.

Churches are usually built on a hill that everyone can see, and St Andrew's Church is a good example. Although the church is no longer religious in nature, it does have a large collection of important paintings and sculptures. St Andrew is the patron saint of Kiev, and his impressive baroque architecture reflects his importance.

 Three places recommended to visit in Kiev, UkraineThree places recommended to visit in Kiev, Ukraine

3. National Gallery of Ukraine

The National Museum of Ukraine is one of the most visited museums. It was founded in 1897 by successful art patron Bohdan Khanenko. This historically important building contains a collection of important sculptures, artworks and icons. The museum also displays the work of contemporary artists and is recognized throughout the world as an important artistic representative of Eastern Europe.

Three places recommended to visit in Kiev, UkraineThree places recommended to visit in Kiev, Ukraine

After seeing those beautiful spots in Kiev. Not sure if you want to plan a trip to Ukraine? On Whispark, there are many single women from Kiev, Ukraine, they will be glad to take you around in the city. 

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